Tuesday, June 16, 2009


lmao...today got 4 second hand batteries frm WJ's friend for $24... original deal was $30 but Wj sucker his friend till $24.... seriously laughable...
went to the hobby shop so WJ could send his controller for repair again ( lol ) then went to his place to pick up the charger he's gonna lend me for the time being.... managed to get him out of sleeping and came ack to my place to settle my shell... haha sense of achievment!

and here's the shell...its just a simple one....nothing too "zomg!" if u get my drift....

well nothing much to say abt today.....just that my damn room stinks of spray-paint......
im to blame to bring in the newly sprayed shell into an air-conditioned room.....
*cough cough* *puke puke* .......... nah just jking.....
still it is a little foul-smelling....but it'll go away by morning....i hope...lol....
till next time...

Monday, June 15, 2009


hm.... heres wad came out of the box when i got the HPI sprint 2...
had a few additions of wei ju tho....but ostly the kit came ready fixed...wei ju was a little sad...guess he was looking forward to fixing the thing frm scratch....
according to him the kit is quite good for beginner...tho honestly i still dunno nuts abt the thing....but then...learn slowly nia.....

well heres a few pics on the shell-less car......

i'll post more when i've finished the actual shell.....gotta cut and spray paint the thingy......

till then.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


heres something i saw on the net....

Write the names down of 21 people that you can think of, and then answer the questions. Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same:

1. weiju
2. Nazree
3. chuanru
4. saifullah
5. hidayat
6. hamzah
8. kennard
10. eric
11. qinghui
12. enyou
13. sini
14. junyin
15. cheejun
16. wenqi
17. tiong yee
19. jia liang
20. lim ther
21. sherman

*How did you meet 7?
kelvin : sec 1 NCC

*What if you had never met 15?
cheejun: then i would never have known a brother

*What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
lim ther, weiju : i'll fking laugh till i die if it really happened

*Have you ever seen 17 cry?
tiong yee: nope

*Would 3 and 6 make a good couple?
chuan, hamzah : eh?~?
*Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
saifullah, wenqi : dunno...they've never met

*Describe 19:
jia liang : oldest friend for just more than 10 yrs and stays only a few 100m away

*Do you like 17?
tiong yee: yea as a buddy since FOC 08

*What is 5’s favorite color?
hidayat: ....i dunno....

*When was the last time you talked to 9?
wilson : yesterday

*What language does 11 speak?
qinghui : er...english? ....mandarin?

*Who is 13 going out with?
sini : dunno

*What year is 16 born in?
wenqi : 1991?

*What is 14’s favorite music?
junyin : i think random de...

*Would you ever date 7?
kelvin : date a fish...? no thx hahaz

*Would you ever date 15?
cheejun: are you mental...he's mah bro....

*What is 15's favourite music?
cheejun: too many to list....and trust me, there're too many....

*What is the best thing about 2?
nazree : good buddy

*What would you like to tell 10 right now?
eric : ur one of the few pple i know tt can suan pple till they chui...

*Have you ever kissed 14?
junyin : no........

*What’s the best memory you have of 13?
sini : can only think of tioman in sem1

*When’s the next time you’re going to see 4?
saifullah : next time our group has a gathering/outing

*Is 2 pretty?
nazree : frm a guys pov....he's normal...hehe

*What was your first impression of 15?
cheejun: almost like me

*How did you meet 3?
end of sec3 accompanied naz to lvl3 drying dock...

*Is 5 your best friend?
hidayat: not the best but one of my few closer friends

*Have you seen 18 in the last month?
mengyeow : last week?

*When was the last time you saw 16?
wenqi : i think abt 30 min ago

*Have you been to 21’s house?
sherman : no....lol

*When’s the next time you’ll see 8?
kennard : dunno....

*Are you really close to 6?
hamzah : not too bad

*Have you been to the movies with 4?
saifullah : yea a few times with the others

*Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
kennard : not tt i know of

*What did 5 last say to you?
hidayat : dun remember.....

*Would you give 19 a hug?
jia liang : depends hahaz

*When have you lied to 13 ?
sini : dun think hav

*Do you know a secret about 20?
lim ther : dun remember....lolx

*Has 1 met your mother?
weiju : yea he has

*What is 12's hobby?
enyou : not sure =o

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


am holding in everything, anger at roommates, loneliness, stress, emo-ness....
well...thats what i've been doing all this time...maybe it's cos of the CT period...i dunno,
all i can say is that im totally hoping for the time it ends, which is this friday....by then i'd be able to occupy my mind with my new hobby and as usual have my sub-consious dewll continually on the same old "topic". pple might feel that i think too much, i agree cos im well aware i seriously think too much....heres the sign that im thinking of anything and everything that exists in the universe....
i'll totally not speak....thats the main sign, tho it can still happen anytime.....
u may ask how i can tell im thinking too much, well heres some things my inner self asked me before when i was in my "thinking" trance... :
" why are the apartment decorations shaped that way?" , " how come the green light on the air-con is in the middle..." , " i wonder what other pple are doing now when im wasting my life away meditating here..." ....

yea i know its pointless...and probably what someone would say "totally out of the blue"....
but thats what goes through my mind when im quiet wherever i am....

to sum this possibly dark n emo post.... heres what i feel to the the scariest/wierdest thought of mine that i happen to ask myself countless times....
"how did the shape of the human's hands , fingers, toes, nails and fingerprints get their form...."

ok...will stop here....dont want to fall deeper into the meditation and scare u guys further...
i know someone who probably knows to a certain extent how im feeling...u noe who u are.....

till next time....

Thursday, June 4, 2009


lol already packed bag for the study camp.......mum came in, saw my bag and insisted that my bag was too small....(sling bag). i keep on telling her can de can de.....just squeeze lor.....NCC style....roll up everything and just STUFF!!! so now my sling bag got like 6-7day's worth of clothes inside....i hav to admit tho...it cant fit anything else....but who cares...me n the other guys plan liao to buy toiletries tomolo....every1 chip in cheaper and dun need to bring so much sheeet...
i hav to admit...my bag does seem to be fking packed to the brim...but still....it works hehehehe.....lucky tomolo after lesson go home then take the clothes bag....or else i chui liao....bring 2 sling bag to school in the morning...one heavy with books the other fat & bulky with clothes.....sure damn funny cos i'll intend to wear them so the strap will go across my shirt like a "X" har har....ok thats lame.......
will also bring my dad's ultimate "bible".....lol his book that he said was his "textbook" when he was still studying.....good lord .....thats like...YEARS ago.....*the book seriously looks old tbh....lolx....

talking abt today.....lawl after last lesson went to meet WJ so he can bring me to hobby shop see RC car....damn shiok when see price for a "beginner" kit abt $250... already save up $220....almost there!!! soon can go nuts with it after WJ give me crash course abt the car parts and everything else....lol since he so zai abt the whole drifting buisness.....and the best thing abt having a hobby like RC drifting car is................CAN STOP PLAYING WOW FOR THE TYME BEING AND GET A PROPER LIFE WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!
ok that was erm.....lame....n wierd.....fingers was just on auto-pilot.....just flying all over the keyboard......
okok must stop now....tomolo 8am got damn math.....GAH...gotta wake up so early....( all u folks hu stay so far away frm school shaddap lolx) i know u guys will go "walau" at my comment but....tho i stay near...my bus is so fking not frequent.....miss bus got to wait average 15 min.....gawd darmneet....

okok go sleep liao....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


found something to brighten my my day a little

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


one week...to CT....NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! im gonna die...im sooo gonna die....no confidence at all ...eep....
this weekend shall mark the start of chionging studying.....starting frm friday till end of CT, me ish staying at loft@94!.....must......chiong.......till......the....end...... just hope there wont be too many distractions frm the guys, tho they're also of similar mind to me and wants to study is arse off....
even after saying that...im sure we'll be distracted once or twice .......no fail...cos we're quite a noisy bunch....
well at least one thing is good abt the weekend now.......FREEZING COLD AIR-CON!!! AND ITS FREE!!!! lawl....

just last weekend stayed at loft@94 with the EES peeps....it was called a "bonding" camp but there were alot of flaws... we didnt "bond" as much as i hoped we would...but i gotta admit..the last night was my happiest out of the whole camp.... *drifts off to dream-world* *grins*

there was another occasion.....on the 2nd night, i was in the dorm relaxing when i heard insane amounts of laughter coming frm the dorm below mine....u wanna noe y they were laughing so loud so that i could hear through the floor loud and clear? its cos they were playing with...LAUGHING GAS!!!!! i didnt try it that night, but i tried it the next day....and its true....after inhaling the gas, once u start u cant stop for a few minutes....but even when u stop, everyone is still laughing to the point that u'll just join in laughing ur fking arse off...

well...all in all that "bonding" camp wasn't so bad....was uber boring in the beginning....but the last evening/night made it worth it for me, was able to play with ******** . hahaz.... ^_^ its already almost wednesday....and imm still feeling the happiness of it.......i feel like im just gonna float out of my chair heeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

well, till next time fellas.... that feeling gives you WIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGSSSSS!!!!