Sunday, September 16, 2007

16th september

You Scored a 74% which means you are a ....

Sincere Lover. You are such a total sweetheart people have a hard time taking you seriously. Sadly, because you are so sincere and sweet you get walked all over. Try to hold your ground a little bit and beware of the selfish lover. The feed off of sincere lovers like yourself. Even though you get used and abused a lot you still have a heart of gold.

What kind of lover are you
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well, during the afternoon something interesting happened...a monkey "visited" my home....i meant that a monkey was spotted outside my bedroom was only 2 meters away from me...haha...a small cute little saru. it just walked along the window ledge for a while before jumping down to the window ledge of the house below mine....before it did that dad managed to snatch his camera from the table and took a few pics of it...maybe if i can get my hands on the photos i'll show it to u all....when the monkey disappeared...i went out to the kitchen to find it in a total turned out that the monkey squeezed in through the kitchen window and messed up the dustbin before it went to the window ledge where i first saw it.......something interesting that happened in the quiet place of pine grove hohoho....
just read naz's blog...and he said that he took a as i was bored...i took it too out of curiosity...and it turned ou i had the following....

well....nothing much to say....not much time left...tomorrow got school and still need to face the reality of having bad results...i dun even want to talk about it...when parents remind me about it, i would turn all sulky and stone for a long time and not do anything...well seems lik its just what i'll do when i feel hyper depressed...though i make efforts not to show it around friends.... (T_T)

ok gtg now gonna sleep soon....cya peeps....

PS: i cut my hair today....nothing much but....ah well....nothing else to type...heehee....

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