Friday, December 21, 2007

21st december 2007

such a long time since i last posted here.....well you can't really blame me....alot of things has been occuring in my life in the time between this post and the last.....
at first i stopped was because of exams and i wasnt able to access the comp...and also there was only the laptop to use as my desktop at that time was still dead because of a fan failure.....well.....thy shall not worry! im using the desktop no as i type this post, AND ITS ALL MINE *evil laughter*

it took a long time for the desktop to be set up, since even when the desktop was all wired up and working, IT HAD NO INTERNET ACCESS! my dad wanted to wire the internet into the desktop in my room, but the problem that time was that the internet wire is stuck in my parents room and there was no way o moving it ( it was stuck to the wall...) so my dad decided to DRILL A HOLE THROUGH THE WALL SO THAT HE COULD FIT THE WIRE THROUGH when he could hav done the easy way out of letting my bro go and buy a wireless card for me to stick into the comp....but NOOOOOO my dad always wanna do the ""neater"" his opinion..he's always wierd in that way...alwaus doing something different from the rest of us....

all of the desktop problems happened after O lvls....well....i was very anxious that i did not hav a comp to my bro would murder me if i dared to use it without his permission, and he never let me use it even if i asked...and i assumed that his laptop had the same case, but after more than on week of stoning in boredom, i found out that my mum asked my bro to let me use his laptop to play, that was when i realised mum actually cared about my gaming life!!!!!!! WOW! both my bro and i were stunned that my mum could actually say this kind of thing of letting me play from then on i had been playing WOW on the laptop....just recently switched to the desktop..with a bigger screen....

recenty my relatives ccame down from ipoh and KL, altogether 5 of them came down in one car...for them its manageable since some of them are kinda skinny and small...if it was MY family, we wont make it cos me and my bro are kinda big....haha.
the realatives who came down were the parents of a cousin currently now studying in his last year in SP, his brother and sister came along another our house ended up accomodating 10 people.....thats right TEN BLOOMING PEOPLE......the guys in my bro's room the girls in my room, parents in their own room while my bro and i slept in the living room on sofa's =)

even after they left home to m'sia, more thing's are gonna happen in my family...those from m'sia from my fathers from my mothers side another cousin is coming back to singapo from the US today! hehe cant wait to him and how he has changed...most probably i can thrash him in tennis hehehe ( i think i might be bragging cos im not good myself)

well. thats basically the summary of my long absense in teh blog....i'll try in the future to put up little snippets into it so tt u guys can read a bit...

anyways, gonna watch some random anime/drama/trailers/music videoes on crunchyroll now....i never knew there wre nice korean songs.....ah well...cya peeps

P.S ; BLEACH is having another movie! <>

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