Tuesday, September 11, 2007

september 11th

sigh....after the september holidays i was supposed to feel less stressed....well..i am less stressed but not as much as i thought i would be.....
on tuesday i went to malaysia with my parents....my bro didn't follow cos he was in NS and not allowed to leave the country....hehe.
first drove up to ipoh.....on the way stopped at seremban "pit stop" to eat the nasi lamak there....we always stop there without fail cos always by the time we reach that place, we are all hungry.....

most parts of the journey i was either listening to my mp3, or trying to play djmax2 "quietly" cos some songs need to press like mad and the buttons can be kinda noisy in a quiet car......i tried to no success....my dad told me to stop "clicking" the psp.....wierd eh? ah well...my dad can be wierd in many ways and that's one of them....
we arrived at ipoh at my uncles place at about 6pm....rested till 7pm plus...then we made our way to my dad's eldest bro's place to pick them up, then we went for dinner, which was rice as usual...(getting sick and tired of rice...but ....ah well...)
we stayed in ipoh for another day before setting off for cameron highlands which is a 1hour plus journey from ipoh....on the way up the road was wind ing left to right....making it seem like those kind of mountain racing tracks....my dad even said that it was fun......lol
when we were almost at the top, the air-con wasn't even needed. the windows were wound down and the cold air was blowing hard into the car...(the temperature then was 20.5 degrees).
heh when we reached our destination, i was a little stunned. it was nothing from what i remembered the last time i went there ... even though it was almost 8 years ago....LOL.... stupid me...humorous....
up there the average day temperature was 20-21 degress...while the temperature at night can go as low as 18 degrees...shiok sia....for em tt is.... cos my parents were freezing.....even my dad had to wear FOUR layers of shirts one night....though i dunno if he did it for fun or not....he was sweating in the heat after only 30 mins.....( he wore a jacket over a sweater over a pyjamas shirt over a polo tee....mad rite?)
well the placewas quiet....managed to study a bit....and also explored the place....the food there was goo too....heehee......
now i think back i kind of miss the place tehre because of the cool temperatures that are just nice for me and the quiet atmosphere in the apartment......sometimes i might have found the silence there too much....just like my dad....who got so frustrated at the clock on the wall which was going "tick-tick-tick-tick" and which was so loud because it was soo quiet......on the first day we got there he got so irritated about the "noise" from te clock that he took out the battery just to shut it up....lol.

stayed there till saturday.....went back to ipoh to say bye to my relatives before heading our way home from ipoh at around 4pm....so the average journey by car from ipoh to sg is about 6 hours....so we got home at almost 10pm.....to have dinner...lol...so late...yeah i noe...i just ate a bit before stoning a bit in my room then sleeping as the day before i stayed up with my dad to watch a korean drama....it was so interesting to the point that we forgot about the time and also forgot to feel sleepy.....

tts all for now then....gtg off now...mum's breathing down my neck to make me off the comp.....haha.....
bai bai pple

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