Saturday, September 1, 2007

29th Aug

Haish...chem & poa 2dae...dun think i'll do well....wait....i won't do well...*shakes head* well, after the exams the CLB pple were told to wait for mdm Koh cos she say want to tell us sumthin...she say she'll be there at 1:15 but we waited till 1:40!!!! anyways, we were all at the table outside the staff room, Glenn and Nathan were laughing at "girly man" while wei ju was playing his PSP. funny thing was that glenn got his PSP confiscated from Mrs Tan right in front of wei ju, who was also playing his PSP but when mrs Tan came along, his PSP suddenly "disappeared" into thin air...hehe...
when we left, i went to the canteen to buy the CLB books,(yeah late, i noe) i saw thachanaa with chuan ru, who left after a while with some friends so me, thachanaa and lemon went to eat at the market.
wierd & funny things happened today...4 example, the bookshop door was supposed to be opened by pulling from the inside, but I foolishly pushed it regardless of the big sign "pull" on the door, this small episode was unfortunate for me to be spotted by chuan ru and thachanaa, how did i know? they were both guffawing with laughter, but i wasn't bothered cos i also found it funny, so i joined in the laughing. there u go! a very good example of my blurness, huhuhu.....
o ya i also saw a white parrot in pine grove today flying around, whats with me and parrots? seeing 2 in a few days.....ah well gtg now ciao peeps

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