Saturday, September 1, 2007

27th Aug

Empty of emotion, today was physics prelim, didn't think i did so well, at least I managed to attempt all the questions, no? After the paper, all who were not redoing their MT were allowed to go off, i was thinking...go home? NOW? AT 9AM??? damn that was early. well so I went to the market wif sotong & jiacheng, eating "breakfast", then i left for home before them.

otw 2 the busstop, something wierd happened, i was waiting for the traffic light when i heard something going "meow", i began looking around, expecting to see a cat near my feet, but in actual fact, the "meows" were nto coming from a cat, it was coming from a PARROT!! the parrot was sitting on a bicycle tt a girl was cycling and was continuously going meow.....everyone else was staring at the parrot, dumbfounded.
it rained hard when i got to the busstop at my place, had to walk up the slope in the heavy rain(those who have came to my place before, u can visualise better ^_^). well, by the time i reached home, i was totally soaked, but feeling kinda happy as it was so fun!

well gtg now.......

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