Friday, February 15, 2008

15th Febuary 2008

Today, same as every other feeling down.....dunno the main reason, but one possible would be my grandma in hospital......for a few weeks already....but i heard my mum over the phone tt she is allowed to go home...but im not tomorrow when we go visit i'll just sit in the car and see where they go, the hospital? or my uncle's house where she stays....
Since im around my relatives quite often when we go visiting my grandma, we discuss the problem among ourselves....and since my grandma cant understand a word of English, we can safely talk around her without her even knowing what we talking about....heard of many things abt my relatives i didnt know abt before....not gonna type it out here...haha or else it would take me more than a day to finish.....
when my grandma talked to me abt staying at my uncles place, i could tell very well that she didn't like it there cos the whole day she's alone when my uncle and his wife r working........i dunno if its good news for the family but i could tell she wanted t come stay in my house......i dont hav anything to say in this matter....only can wait for the decision of the 2nd generation relatives and see how it goes from there.....

P.S.: my family has 4 generations at the moment. my grandma is the first ^^ , my parents, aunts and uncles r the second while their children including me and my bro make up the third with ages ranging from the youngest of 9yrs old all the way to 30+yrs old....lolz....., the last generation consists majority of little kids with an exception of one who is same age as me and he gotta call me uncle...omg.....

why am i talking abt my family all of a sudden? i dunno...
must've been just thinking abt it and my fingers went auto-pilot all over the keyboard...and before i knew it i had typed so much....

well im off to do some anime watching.....
go to this website, if u wanna watch a anime on crunchyroll and u cant find it, go to it has quite alot of anime there so go there if u want.

seeya guys.................

*confused thoughts*

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