Sunday, April 26, 2009


lol yesterday's trip to skul was more eventful than i anticipated......lots of laughter...
sucessfully made WJ "hike" frm main gate to canteen 2, then "hike" to makan place, ate lunch then "hike" back to canteen 2. hahaz...sense of achievment!
the meeting place for the recruitment meet thingy was sooo noisy...cos excluding the RC car's motor sounds there were those peeps frm fencing using their funky sensor thingy that makes freaking high pitched beeps every few
met sam there cos he in fencing...(the power of being small sized...) and i managed to distract him while WJ snuck up behind the little dude hahaz....
after everything me n WJ mana ged to get sam to join us for a sim at my place....he didnt bring a change of clothes so...haha he had to go home in wet shorts!!!!!!!
and last ly...zomg the curry chicken rice......ZOMG IT IS HEAVEN...lawl...the kind of curry that u can barely resist dipping bread in it.... >.<

ah well probably next week we'll do the same...... can get the same sense of satisfaction after eating at the cafe next to the pool.


Friday, April 24, 2009


yes yes i know its over...
yes yes i know its v.late to put this vid on here....
im just so bored i'll just slap this thing on here...

well thats just gonna go do random stuff...
tomolo CCA recruitment thingy....gonna make WJ crawl around NP....just hope he dun kamikaze me with his car tomolo after everything...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


here's some questions that i saw a friend do...those pple hu i ask to do it dun hate me pls lol...
meh...i kinda did it cos i got nothing else to do...and it'll be something to fill up alot of space....
here it is :

1)Are you really ready for 111 questions?
- hell yea! im bored

2) Was your last real relationship a mistake?
- Haven't been in one

*No.3 is missing...*

4) Who did you last say “I love you” to?
- confidential....

5) Do you regret it?
- no

6) Have you ever been depressed?
- yea, alot of times

8) Are you a boy or girl?
- male

9) What is your relationship status?
- single

10) How do you want to die?
- a quick death would be nice

11) What did you last eat?
- wanton mee

12) Play any sports?
- nope

13) Do you bite your nails ?
- sometimes

14) When was your last physical fight?
- sec 4

15) Do you have an attitude?
- depends on ur definition of one.

16) Do you like someone?
- wad if i said yes?

17) What is your real name?
- *points at the top corner of the blog*

19) Are you gonna get high later ?
- no reason to get high....

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
- not yet..

21) Do you miss someone?
- Yes

22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
- neither, i just poke 'n' shove into my mouth

23) Do you tan a lot?
- nope

24) Have any pets?
- nope...want one tho..

25) How exactly are you feeling?
- tired/sian/emo/feeling uber-random

26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
- tt was a long time ago when i was a kid

27) Ever made out in the bathroom?
- ......

28) Would you take any of your exes back?
- dun hav no exes

29) Are you scared of spiders?
- depends on the type of spider..

30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
- of course

31) Do you regret anything from your past?
- of course

32) What are your plans for this weekend?
- no plans atm..

33) Do you want to have kids?
- a bit early to answer that no?

34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?
- Mummy , can ?

35) Do you type fast?
- some pple think so.

36) Do you have piercings?
- NO!!

37) Want any more?
- NO!!!

38) Can you spell well?
- W - E - L - L = well

39) Do you miss anyone from your past?
- sure do

40) What are you craving right now?
- too many things to list

41) Ever been to a bonfire party ?
- yea in pri school

43) Have you ever been on a horse?
- when i was very very young...

44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck?
- nope

45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
- i dunno....have i?

46) Have you ever been cheated on?
- dun think so...

47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
- dun hav girlfriend how to make em' cry.

49) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
- dunno

50) What should you be doing ?
- studying

51) What’s irritating you right now?
- fun-less

52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?
- yea

53) Does somebody love you?
- hope so.. T_T

54) What is your favorite colour?
- dun hav one

55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
- once or twice...

57) Do you have trust issues?
- a little

60. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
- normal relationship ba...

62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
- cannot answer ex..

63) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- no one.

64) Do you give out second chances too easily?
- maybe

65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
- forget

66) Is this year the best year of your life?
- hell no

67) What was your child hood nickname?
- chicken

68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
- no way

70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
- probably

71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
- brush my teeth... -_-

73) What is bothering you?
- dunno how to put into words

74) Have you ever been out of your province?
- u mean out of singapore? yea hav

75) Do you play the Wii?
- bo lui to own one

76) Are you listening to music right now?
- nope

77) Do you like Chinese food?
- sure do

78) Do you know your fathers b-day?
- 4got

79) Are you afraid of the dark?
- depends

80) Is cheating ever okay?
- depends how much u cheat

81) Are you mean?
- dun think so

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
- hell no, they'll get dirty eventually

84) Do you believe in true love?
- yea

88) Do you like the outside?
- sometimes

89) Are you currently bored?
- of course tt y i using this

90) Do you wanna get married?
- Yes

91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
- kinda

92) Are you hungry?
- just ate wanton mee...veri full

93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?
- nope.

94) What makes you happy?
- dunno atm

95) Would you change your name?
- dunno wad to change it into

96) Ever been to Alaska?
- nope

98) Do you watch the news?
- occasionally

99) What’ s your zodiac sign?
- capricorn

100) Do you like Subway?
- it aint bad

101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
- forgot hu le

103) Do you talk like your friends?
- sometimes

105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them
- probably..

106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
- Yeah

107) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
- mum

108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
- yea

109) Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
- naz aka pineapple

110) Favorite lyrics right now?
- N/A

111) Can you count to one milllion?
- i'd take 2 steps back and stab myself if i ever did tt.....

pple i'd like to do this...
1. naz
2. chaun ru
3. yat
4. sai
5. kuah WJ
6. anyone hu wanna do it....
7. anyone hu wanna do it....
8. anyone hu wanna do it....
9. anyone hu wanna do it....

hav fun wasting time like i did =p

Sunday, April 19, 2009


nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! tomolo skul startzz...
still tired frm camp...T_T
now need to study like a horse....rawr!!!
gotta be serious now...results haven't been good...tho i dunno for how long i can handle it....
need help T_T
and it aint helping tt i got a screwed up timetable again....
Mon - 4 hr break...
Tues - start in afternoon for 3 hr only...
wed - start at 1pm for 2 hr....zzzz
fri - frm 8am to 6pm

only thing i can say is.......
take 2 steps back and hang myself
*does a mime of hanging himself*

gonna go emo now....someone release me frm this emo-ness.........

Friday, April 3, 2009


finally in this whole holiday...starting to feel busy..even if its just a teeny-weeny bit busy....
FOC is comin up... tho im just gonna be sai-kang warrior during the camp...but SKW still got stuff to do hor...dun think SKW totally sai-kang de...hahaz.
i wonder how many freshies in total there will be....hrm.....
hope it aint too many for all of us to handle...
nothing else to type...>.<
till next time when i actually think of something else to type...