Tuesday, March 24, 2009


went to see movie with pro n mum...watched race to witch mountain...the show's not bad...good to watch for pple hu havent been to the movies in a long time and r looking for something average but not boring to watch...lol
the day's kinda boring in a manner of speaking...morning stone-ing...afternoon go watch 2.50pm movie...then go eat mosburger... (unagi rice burger =p) then go home....then stone some more...lol

bleh my life is seriously boring....not that i dont wanna make it better....i just.......dunno how to say it.....some of u guys might know how i feel....*talking abt one guy...u noe hu u r*

i'll just do wad i do about my life....just live it...and let time decide how my life will unfold.....
im such an idiot to think like that....but hey...thats me .....

guess thats that.....nothing else to think of today...zzzzz

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


As im typing this im just so bored...playing a game with WJ on msn. one of us types a word and the other has ter think of a word starting with the last letter.

i was surfing around the net, due to the fact that WOW was on maintenance...dammit...
ah well i was surfing the net and i found a video that my senoir put up...it was of our instructors in our SOE leadership training camp, the video was of their performance that they did for us,

there was an encore tho...but dun think he video-ed it...wad a pity tho the encore was also cool n fun.
well thats abt it tt i can think of now....looking forward to the FOC on 14april....hope we dun forget our performance =p

Monday, March 9, 2009


yay got new phone...N85...the phone cost abt 500plus...damn i gotta find a job....pay my dad back...cos it so ex...the functions on the phone...haha...still cant figure out everything yet...but...hey, whats the rush?
during the weekend, dad's car air-con broke down...
and the weather wad freaking hot...
so what did we do? wind down the windows and let the 36degree air (according to the car's thermometer) fill the car...we were all going "soooooo hot......" hahaz...
well today was slightly better...raining whole day....kinda cold atm now...so its quite comfy here hehe
well nothing else i can think of to say atm so....till next time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


w00t just came back from SOE SL leadership camp.....it was so much fun in my group...we were making the most noise among the total of 7 groups..and we were the most "well known" too due the loud noises we always made, got many aches and also many time tt i just went KO mentally...but stuck to the whole thing to the end, and i've never regretted it at all...
the camp was a 3D2N camp...we were staying at the loft@94, the apartments opposite the road at the back of the school....
it was because of those dorms tt it didnt even feel like a camp at all...fel more like a very fun holiday while making new friends and learning valuable stuff all at the same time.
first night i totally KO-ed in bed at 11pm+ ....haha i know thats early when at camp...but i was seriously tired...haha
but 2nd night was were the fun began....a big group of us went for a nightwalk between 1am to almost 2:30am, but the main purpose was to find some places to hide and scare our instructors when we bring them on their own "nightwalk"
we had to find places to hide but we also had to check and be sure tt those places tt we'll be hiding doesn't already have "something" in there....
a few places that seriously have real stories abt r blk 50 lvl 4 and 2 for example....heck even some of the other "safe" places gave some of my friends the creeps already...imagine......ok i wont go into detail....it aint really good to type abt those occurences......not tt im superstisious or anything....but its still better to be safe than sorry yea? tho im typing this at 3:30pm in the afternoon....haha.....
.....just came back frm that camp...and i....am....so....very....tired....
body's aching all over especially due to the game "great wall of china"
its a game where pple cluster in a bundle...and r supposed to old on to each other while our instructors showed us no mercy and attempted to pull us away frm the group, by pouring cold water over us, and one occasion tt my friend said one of the instructors pinched his nipple before attempting to yank him away from us....tt was hilarious...
ok i dont hav anymore energy to type now....till next time i feel like typing in here......
