Tuesday, February 24, 2009


gah last few days of studying....before AC exam...cant wait for it all to end....only few more days but i cant take it anymore.....dont wanna study anymore...
one half of my mind says "no more studying" but the other half says "endure, continue studying, few more days left!". gah...chui liao......

life is cruel pple.

/emo /wrist /QQ

hope i can get together with old friends more.... heck i got a old friend hu just stays a few blocks frm where i stay and i rarely see him around... >.<
well it'll happen when it does, hoping for something is better than hoping for nothing.........

till then.....

Monday, February 16, 2009


only one word is enough to describe the past few days of my life....
study study study.....tho dun think much is going in.....got some kinda hole in my head where stuf is constantly leaking out....aiks....and with exams in just a week......im so screwed.....eeeee
want to pester dad to teach me also not that good cos he kinda busy these days.....and also he look so stress...>.<

at least now with no lessons...in the mornings i can sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...................................

Friday, February 13, 2009


lmao finally finished compro project...and the deadline is today..lawlz ....so last min....got alot of help frm the other guys.
went to the field opposite school, me & gerald finished the project with small help by the guys, while the remaining few of 'em went to play soccer.
after finishing, i went to print the stuff needed for the project while Gerald packed up his lappy, on the way back i kinda tripped on the stairs at the overhead-bridge...almost sprained my ankle......the right ankle even.....damn thats my weak one....always sprain the same ankle...dunno y.....argh....

alrite gotta go study....exams just around the corner...o fcuk...so many things still dunno...
time to start pestering my dad....lawl.

kk gotta go plan a certain something with a certain someone for another certain someone...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


lawl, today AEL lecture only abt 12 pple turned up, the class so empty and quiet hahaz.
next class EG1 even worse, total attendance 11 of us today only me and 2 other dudes,
the silence was so great ...haha even the lecturers didnt feel like teaching, our AEL lecturer was conducting the lecture half-heartedly by the sound of his voice hehe, as expected, when trying to teach such a empty classroom that aint listening to him *puts up 2 fingers*

cant think no more here.....

till then

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Another day at school....
damn COMPRO test today...GG liao..
no ECPRO too so yay...reach home early @ 2pm.

well, gonna play a bit of wow b4 studying...argh exams....alot of topics i dunno....

uber GG liao....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


wow after so long i finally decided to come back to this blog, tho its because of someone hu wants me to continue bloggin' , u noe hu u are =p
believe it or not, i actually calculated this out of boredom:

it has been...
: 278 days / 6672 hours / 400320mins / 24019200sec since the last time i blogged.

well nothing i can think of to say now...for today, just "resurrecting" my blog.

hope i can keep this going and not having this bloggie dying out again...heehee.

till then...